First flight from Katowice

Last Tuesday, Madeira received the first flight from Katowice, Poland. Was also the first LOT flight to Madeira and was carried through by a Canjet B738 (which was also the first time around here...)

C-FYQN landing on runway 05 after a fighter like approach...(was funny noticing later the crew observing the final approach and landing of a TAP which was much more steady and straightforward)

 The plane was received by the water canons of the Madeira Airport Fire Department...

 ...and the passengers were received with flower and mini bottles of Madeira Wine.
(not, it wasn't raining, it's just the water from the "bath" in the apron ;)  )

Crew and ground staff pic for later memory
 The return flight was made empty...we took the time to wait for its departure, thinking it could be a nice and early take off..... it wasn't....


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