New Photo of the Week - Rotores de Portugal

According to the Official program, by the end of the month we should have some displays by the PoAF helicopter display team "Rotores de Portugal".

After the visit of the Pope João Paulo II to our island, back in 1991, this is only the second time the PoAF AL.III is at Madeira and the first that the "Rotores" will display...big moment indeed (or at least it's expected to be a big moment....)

On countdown for the begining of the Celebrations, it's a good ocasion to remember the last display I saw of this team, in Évora, during Portugal Air Show 2009....


  1. Ola amigo, isto por aqui parece tudo tão fácil uns para a direita outros para a esquerda enfim!
    Pois eu ca não sabia se tirava fotos ou ficava a admirar as manobras dos rotores!
    Bonitas fotos

    Paulo Olim
    Asas Madeira


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